Refers to: Ship Owners / Managers/ Operators of Panamanian flagged vessels, PHRS Surveyors / Representatives     

Action Date: Immediate

The purpose of subject newsletter is to inform all interested parties regarding the SSAS Test Instructions issued by Panama Flag Administration via MMC-133.

More specifically, the purpose of this MMC-133 is to update the instructions and procedures of the Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) according to SOLAS 74’, as amended Chapter XI-2 Reg. 6, the IMO Resolution MSC 136(76) and Resolution No.106-107-DGMM dated October 9th, 2017 (Visit Maritime Security link, ISPS Regulations, SSAS).

Merchant Marine Circular 133 can be found here, in full detail.

Furthermore, an example of the SSAS TEST confirmation through the online Platform, according to the MMC-133, can be found here.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information you may need on the above.

October 19th, 2020 - PHRS Head Office

Refers to: Ship Owners / Managers/ Operators of Panamanian flagged vessels, PHRS Surveyors / Representatives 

Action Date: 01 Sept. 2020

Kindly be informed thatMerchant Marine Notice 07 (MMN-07-2020) is now amended by Panama Maritime Authority (PMA).
Ships’ owners/operators, Recognized Organizations and other interested parties are now informed on how to proceed in case of request for postponement-extension of statutory certification & services, from 1st  September 2020.

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused disruptions to the provision of normal shipping services, including the conduct of surveys and IMO urges Governments to carefully consider the introduction of restrictions which would affect the conduct of statutory surveys, so that the survey and certification regime can continue to operate as normal, ships can comply with the relevant mandatory requirements and Parties can adhere to their obligations under treaties.
The amended MMN takes into account the recommendation in the
 IMO Circular Letter No.4204/Add.19/Rev.2, dated 22 July 2020 (Guiding principles for the provision of technical and implementation advice to flag States when considering whether to permit statutory certificate extension beyond 3 months).
Recognized Organizations are instructed from 1st September 2020, to request authorization to issue conditional certificates on a case by case basis due to extraordinary circumstances and if no other alternative exist, following the annexed Guiding Principles in the IMO Circular Letter.

According to the amended MMN-07, all statutory Certificates’ extensions for the maximum period of three (3) months according to Conventions shall be requested on a case by case basis to the Administration.
The applications are processed through the various Segumar offices worldwide.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information you may need on the above.

September 7th, 2020 - PHRS Head Office

Refers to: Ship Owners / Managers/ Operators, PHRS Surveyors / Representatives     

Action Date: Immediate

Ships are increasingly using systems that rely on digitization, digitization, integration, and automation. Cyber technologies have become essential to the operation and management of numerous systems critical to the safety and security of shipping and protection of the marine environment.
As technology continues to develop, information technology and operational technology onboard ships are being networked together and more frequently connected to the internet. Therefore the ships’ systems and networks maybe vulnerable to risks may also occur from personnel accessing systems on board, for example by introducing malware via removable media. The vulnerabilities created by accessing, interconnecting or networking these systems can lead to cyber risks which should be addressed. Vulnerable systems could include, but are not limited to:
1. Bridge systems;
2. Cargo handling and management systems;
3. Propulsion and machinery management and power control systems;
4. Access control systems;
5. Passenger servicing and management systems;
6. Passenger facing public networks;
7. Administrative and crew welfare systems; and
8. Communication systems

To mitigate the potential safety, environmental and commercial consequences of a cyber-incident, the IMO and other international shipping organizations have participated in the development of guidelines designed to assist shipping companies in formulating their own approaches to cyber risk management onboard ships:


  • Resolution MSC.1/ Circ.1526 with Interim Guidelines on Maritime Cyber Risk Management, which can be found here.
  • Resolution MSC.428 (98) regarding Maritime Cyber Risk Management in Safety Management Systems, which can be found here.
  • IMO MSC-FAL.1/Circ.3 with Guidelines on Maritime Cyber Risk Management, which can be found here
  • The above mentioned guidelines can be found here.

According to IMO Resolution MSC.428 (98) on Maritime Cyber Risk Management, the objectives of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code include the provision of safe practices in ship operation and a safe working environment, the assessment of all identified risks to ships, personnel and the environment. In this scope, the Safety Management System (SMS) of the shipping companies should take into account cyber risk management in accordance with the objectives and functional requirements of the ISM Code aiming to safeguard shipping from current and emerging cyber threats and vulnerabilities. Therefore, cyber risks should be appropriately addressed in the SMS no later than the first annual verification of the company’s Document of Compliance that occurs after 1 January 2021.

For that scope,


  1. The Interim Guidelines on Maritime Cyber Risk Management [IMO resolution MSC.1/Circ.1526]  provides recommendations that can be incorporated into existing risk management processes. The Guidelines also include functional elements that support effective cyber risk management.
  2. The Guidelines on Cyber Security onboard Ships, reflects a deeper experience with risk assessments of operational technology, such as navigational systems and engine controls, and provides more guidance for dealing with the cyber risks to the ship arising from parties in the supply chain. For detailed guidance on cyber risk management.
  3. Flag Administrations will soon publish their own guidelines & requirements for encouraging ship-owners and operators to take the necessary steps to safeguard shipping from current and emerging threats and vulnerabilities related to digitization, integration and automation of processes and systems in shipping. Shipping companies should carefully develop plans and procedures for cyber risk management which should be seen as complementary to existing security and safety risk management requirements contained in the International Safety Management Code (ISM) Code and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information you may need on the above.

June 4th, 2020 - PHRS Head Office

Refers to: Ship Owners / Managers/ Operators of Panamanian flagged vessels, PHRS Surveyors / Representatives     

Action Date: Immediate

The purpose of subject newsletter is to inform all interested parties about the latest circulars and marine notices issued by Panama Maritime Authority, regarding various issues. More specifically:

  • Merchant Marine Notice - MMN-07/2020 on how to proceed in case of request of postponement-extension of statutory certification and services due to COVID-19.
  • Letter 106-01-238-DGMM regarding authorized companies to perform annual safety inspections or special inspections.
  • Merchant Marine Circular - MMC-197 regarding the Long-Range Identification and Tracking of Ships (LRIT) as well as MMN-03/2019 for the LRIT Conformance Test and MMN-06/2019 for the Sanction to all vessels of Panamanian Registry that deliberately deactivate the Long Range Identification and Tracking Equipment (LRIT) or the Automatic Identification System (AIS).

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information you may need on the above.

June 1st, 2020 - PHRS Head Office

Refers to: Ship Owners / Managers/ Operators of Comoros flagged vessels, PHRS Surveyors / Representatives     

Action Date: Immediate

The purpose of subject newsletter is to inform all interested parties of the measures taken by the Maritime Administration of Comoros regarding the postponement and/or extension of statutory certificates and other services due to the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus.
According to Circular 24, issued by Comoros Maritime Administration on March 28th, all statutory certificates (except for conditional certs.) expiring between March and May 2020 shall exceptionally be extended for a maximum of 3 month period, including DOC/ SMC/ ISS/ MLC and exemption certificates, subject to RO's acceptance and in coordination with the Classification Society.

Regarding vessels holding conditional certificates due to deficiencies or damages on board, which cannot be rectified or corrected, always in coordination with PHRS, shall contact the Administration for further guidance.

Please click 
herefor the full version of Circular 24 (Ref. No 20/01855/COM).

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information you may need on the above.

April 7th, 2020 - PHRS Head Office

Refers to: Ship Owners / Managers/ Operators, PHRS Surveyors / Representatives     

Action Date: Immediate

The purpose of subject newsletter is to provide all interested parties with a quick reference guide for an effective implementation of the safety management system (SMS) required by the ISM Code requirements onboard ships at any given time.

The data have been derived from findings arising from ISM Code audits carried out by PHRS and from ISM-related deficiencies raised during Port State Control (PSC) inspections and detentions.

It can be used also by Captains and DPAs as an effective tool to prepare the vessel for PSC inspections, external or internal audits or to check the implementation of the ISM Code on a routine basis.

If any of the common non-conformities listed in this guide are identified on board, immediate corrective action must be taken by the crew. A record of actions taken should be maintained to serve as evidence that the SMS is functional until such time that action has been taken to eliminate the root cause.

The document is available online 

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information you may need on the above.

May 26th, 2020 - PHRS Head Office


Paris MoU RO Performance Evaluation List


Paris MoU RO Performance Report was published on July 3rd, with PHOENIX REGISTER OF SHIPPING scoring on the top of the Medium Performance rank, as the leading Non-IACS Classification Society, with an impressive excess factor of 0.03.

This comes as a result of hard and systematic team work over the years and and shows our commitment to high quality services.

  These results act as a factual demonstration for the safety & quality of the PHRS classed fleet therefore ship owners and managers may rest assured that PHRS is a reliable and effective link in the process chain of their fleet operation across the

Click here for the 2019 Performance Lists as published by Paris MoU.

Refers to: Owners/Operators/Managers of Belizean flagged vessels, PHRS Representatives/ Surveyors         

Action Date: Immediate

The purpose of subject newsletter is to inform all interested parties of the current situation and temporary measures to be taken by the Technical Department of the International Merchant Marine Registry of Belize (IMMARBE) due to the outbreak of COVID-19.

Due to the outbreak of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) causing complications for the regular shipping operation, traveling restrictions and the fast spread extended to several countries, IMMARBE’s Technical Department has decided to take temporary measures related to Implementation and Enforcement of IMO Instruments due to force majeure.
Similarly, IMMARBE has already developed a contingency plan, ready to be implemented at any time, in order to allow us to continue our normal operations uninterrupted under any situation, while placing health and safety as a top priority.

Please click here for the full version of the Merchant Marine Notice MMN-20-002 Technical Department Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Temporary Measures.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information you may need on the above.

April 7th, 2020 - PHRS Head Office

Refers to: Owners/Operators/Managers, PHRS Representatives/ Surveyors         

Action Date: Immediate

The Authorities of the Paris MoU and Tokyo MoU have agreed to adopt Temporary Guidance for dealing with the circumstances aiming to counteract on the COVID-19 crisis which the international shipping industry is facing.
The guidance recognizes that there is a need to apply flexibility under these special circumstances taking into account the importance to protect the health and safety of the Port State Control Officers and also the seafarers on the ships.
The temporary guidance sets out parameters for the adoption of a pragmatic approach to be taken in the regions.

Therefore the Port State Control in the Paris and Tokyo MOU regions shall consider the below listed issues on a case-by-case basis for period up to three months :

  • Impact of delays for surveys, inspections and audits
  • Extensions of validity of the ship’s certificates
  • Extended periods of service on board
  • Delaying periods for personnel certification (STCW’95 and MLC,2006) 

In the same spirit, PHRS works together with all MoU authorities and with the Flag Administrations having recognized PHRS as a Recognized Organization to assist on the implementation of measures and providing uninterrupted survey and certification services focusing on the health and safety of the seafarers, the safety of the personnel involved with surveys aboard ships and contributing to the containment of COVID-19 as much as possible.

For more details on the extend of measures to be taken, you may find the relevant Press Releases of Paris MoU and Tokyo MoU accordingly by clicking the links below:

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information you may need on the above.

April 6th, 2020 - PHRS Head Office

Within the frame of the critical situation being experienced worldwide due to COVID-19 and taking into account the safety and health of the survey staff, the clients and the difficulties arising due to the restrictions and measures imposed,PHRS implements a ship remote survey scheme (SRSS), for facilitating the survey processes and preventing the occurrence of potential disease incidents. The SRSS may also apply in the occurrence of other crisis situations, which might cause business disruption as well as for the facilitation of inspection processes’ handling, as the case may be. Nevertheless, the SRSS implementation lies on PHRS Head Office decision. The consent of the responsible Flag Administration involved is required as well, in case of ships' statutory surveys.

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For the scope of subject SRSS the following definitions apply:

  • Remote survey means a method of obtaining information equivalent to that obtained from site survey by applying digital and mobile internet technologies so as to realize survey without surveyor’s physical attendance at survey site.
  • Information means contents of electronic documentation or livestreaming which can reflect ship structure, equipment condition or inspection process. In general, survey process information is transferred by digital and internet technologies and provides survey and judgment basis for the surveyor carrying out remote survey. Electronic survey documentation may include survey photos, videos, document and information as well as statements of shipmaster or the chief engineer, etc.

The SRSS applies to the following cases:

  1.  Documents and information (verification, modification or reissuance upon request by clients);
  2. Damages and repairs (minor hull damages, equipment and machinery damages, equipment replacements), elimination of class conditions, extension surveys (for class conditions, propeller shafts and boilers);
  3. Machinery continuous surveys, change of owner or name of vessel, etc;
  4. Statutory surveys, where the feasibility of remote survey is subject to the prior approval of Flag Administration;

Also the following requirements apply:

  1. It shall always be taken into consideration depending on the case, that PHRS may also require physical attendance to evaluate and assess the condition of the ship;
  2. SRSS may also apply to cases other than described as per above. These surveys will be handled on a case-by-case basis, upon PHRS evaluation.
  3. The implementation of a remote survey is not to influence other requirements of PHRS Rules for Classification of Steel Ships.
  4. The participation and involvement of ship’s Master and/or Chief Engineer, is mandatory for the implementation of a remote survey.
  5. The applicants are responsible to provide TRUE and ACCURATE information relating to remote survey. PHRS is entitled to terminate the remote survey of any ship that provided false information, and to withdraw survey conclusion and/or revoke relevant certificate for any cheat or fraud behavior found during remote survey.
  6. If a ship applying for remote survey is found to be beyond the application scope of the remote survey or the conditions of remote survey cannot be met, PHRS reserves the right to terminate the remote survey and feedback in written to the applicant to arrange a survey on board.

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Survey means and collection/delivery of survey information

  • The request for remote survey is to be submitted to PHRS HO and/or BOs and remote locations. However, all SRSS requests are initially handled and assessed by PHRS Headquarters.
  • The ship is to have access to satellite communication or 3G/4G/5G network for livestreaming or transfer of remote survey information.
  • The applicant can use mobile equipment, tablet computers, scanners, digital cameras or video cameras to collect survey process information. Use of headphones with microphone is necessary to ensure communication quality.
  • The applicant shall take effective measures to ensure the quality of survey information and ensure implementation of remote survey by the surveyor based on such information. Sufficient light is required to show survey process and details through livestreaming and its process is to be clear and coherent. Photos are to clearly indicate the situation and defects of hull structure and equipment, etc. Videos are to smoothly reflect the necessary process of inspection or tests.
  • Required electronic documents for remote survey are to be in a format accepted by both parties.
  • Information is delivered by E-mail or in the manner agreed with the surveyor, but attention is to be paid to the integrity and safety of information delivery.
  • Video generated from the SRSS shall be recorded and kept as survey evidence.

Survey procedure

  • Prior implementing a remote survey, the approval of the Flag shall be obtained, if same is related to a survey carried out under the authority of the Flag.
  • PHRS will contact the applicant within 24 hours upon receipt of the request, to become aware of the survey items, the current situation of the ship, ensure that the conditions for remote survey are sufficient, and will feedback the decision on the request of remote survey (accepted, cancelled or transfer).
  • The assigned surveyor (a typical set of training requirements may be necessary) will obtain further detailed information from the applicant if a remote survey is accepted, including information on the contact person from the applicant, the contact person onboard, location of the ship, expecting date and time for the remote survey (time zone is to be specified), the E-mail address to receive certificates or documents, etc. The surveyor will provide detailed requirements for the remote survey.
  • The applicant is to assign the Master and/or Chief Engineer to cooperate with the surveyor to carry out the remote survey at the appointed date and time.
  • Livestreaming is preferred during the remote survey. After video connection is realized between the officer and the surveyor, real-time collection of survey process information is to be carried out according to the requirements of the surveyor. In case livestreaming has a poor performance, due to poor network connection or other reasons, inspection and confirmation may be carried out by the officer onboard according to the guidance and requirements by the surveyor, in order to obtain survey information reflecting ship or equipment condition. However, if it is deemed necessary by the surveyor, livestreaming is still required to carry out the inspection. Without livestreaming a remote survey may be not accepted.
  • The surveyor is to identify the survey information obtained from the applicant, and when it is deemed necessary, ask the applicant to supplement, until the surveyor can provide accurate technical evaluation and judgment for the survey and draw a survey conclusion.
  • During survey, if the surveyor finds that the ship is beyond the application scope of remote survey or the conditions of remote survey cannot be met, the survey will be suspended.After the survey is suspended:
  1. Within a safe and reasonable time range, the applicant’s request on resuming remote survey can be accepted when the conditions of remote survey are met;
  2. The remote survey will be cancelled upon the applicant’s confirmation. An attendance survey may be consulted with the surveyor.

 The process and conclusion of remote survey are to be recorded in the ship log upon completion of survey and the applicant is to provide required electronic documents to the surveyor and additional requirements of the surveyor (if any).

 After the surveyor verifies that the applicable documents provided by the applicant are correct and valid, relevant certificates and/or reports are to be issued/endorsed according to the requirements of PHRS procedures and instructions.