NL 240/20 | Commission Notice Guidelines on the enforcement of obligations under the EU Ship Recycling Regulation relating to the IHM of vessels operating in European waters

Oct 23, 2020

Refers to: Ship Owners / Managers/ Operators, PHRS Surveyors / Representatives     

Action Date: 31 Dec. 2020

The purpose of subject newsletter is to inform all interested parties of the IHM Guidelines of vessels operating in European waters considering the disruptions caused by Covid-19. More specifically:

In  case that a vessel may arrive at an EU port after 31 December 2020 without carrying on board a valid IHM and/or accompanying certificate (Inventory Certificate or Ready for Recycling certificate for EU flagged vessel or Statement of Compliance for non-EU flagged vessel) and the ship owner/master claims that this non-compliance is due to the Covid-19 situation, evidence should be provided by ship owner/master, that all possible measures were taken to undertake the work and get the certification required.

The above-mentioned Guidelines concern a relaxation, not an exemption.

The Commission Notice Guidelines can be found here, in full detail.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information you may need on the above.

October 23rd, 2020 - PHRS Head Office