NL 216/19 | Concentrated Inspection Campaign by Paris MoU and Tokyo MoU

Aug 23, 2019

Refers to: Owners/Operators/Managers, PHRS Representatives/ Surveyors          Action Date: September 1st, 2019    The purpose of subject newsletter is to inform all interested parties about the conduction of a Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) from the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control (Paris MoU) jointly with the Tokyo MoU. This year’ Concentrated Inspection Campaign shall focus on Emergency Systems and Procedures. The main objectives of this CIC are to ensure that: •           Ships are capable of responding appropriately and promptly to emergency situations in order to preserve human lives, protect the marine environment and minimize damages to…

NL 220/20 | PHRS authorized by Saint Kitts & Nevis International Ship Registry

Feb 14, 2020

Refers to: Owners/Operators/Managers, PHRS Representatives/ Surveyors          Action Date: January 6th, 2020  The purpose of subject newsletter is to inform all interested parties that  PHOENIX REGISTER OF SHIPPING S.A. is now authorized by St Kitts and Nevis International Ship Registry, in order to perform surveys and issue statutory certificates for all vessels flying the St. Kitts & Nevis Flag. This recognition is added to our list of authorizations, highlighting our Organization's developmental course over the last years, making PHRS stand out as one of the leading non IACS Classification Societies globally and thus allowing our Society to continue striving for high quality services,…

NL 221/20 | PHRS now authorized by the International Merchant Marine Registry of Belize

Feb 18, 2020

Refers to: Owners/Operators/Managers, PHRS Representatives/ Surveyors          Action Date: January 21st, 2020  The purpose of subject newsletter is to inform all interested parties that PHRS is now authorized by the International Merchant Marine Registry of Belize (IMMARBE), in order to perform surveys and issue statutory certificates for all vessels flying the Belizean Flag. This recognition is added to our list of authorizations, highlighting our Organization's developmental course over the last years, making PHRS stand out as one of the leading non IACS Classification Societies globally and thus allowing our Society to continue striving for high quality services, for the safety of the marine…

NL 224/20 | Press Release - Coronavirus Preventive Measures & Remote Surveys

Mar 11, 2020

Refers to: Owners/Operators/Managers, PHRS Representatives/ Surveyors          Action Date: Immediate Due to the recent developments with the widespread outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) we would like to inform you about the precautions PHOENIX REGISTER OF SHIPPING S.A. has implemented, in order to be able to provide uninterrupted survey and certification services 24/7/365 while assuring the health and safety of our employees and contributing to the containment of COVID-19 as much as possible. Given the fact that many areas worldwide are currently inaccessible due to lockdown and quarantine measures, we have the ability to conduct remote surveys when it is deemed…

NL 226/20 | IMO DCS & EU MRV - Deadline Closed for Submission of Fuel Oil Annual Consumption/Emissions Data

Mar 19, 2020

Refers to: Owners/Operators/Managers of all ships over 5.000 GT, PHRS Representatives/ Surveyors          Action Date: Immediate According to the European Regulation (EU) 2015/757 for Monitoring, Reporting and Verification of Carbon Dioxide emissions for Shipping (EU-MRV), every ship equal to or greater than 5000 GT which has a commercial operation and calls to a European port, is obliged to monitor and report to the EU commission and to the ship’ Flag Administration a series of relevant data on to its CO2 emissions. The annual emissions report for the reporting period 2019 must be submitted to a verifier for verification.…