NL 275/22 | Polar code inspection campaign launched by the Paris MoU

Jun 15, 2022

Refers to: Owners/Managers/Operators, PHRS Surveyors/ Representatives

Action Date: Immediate


The subject newsletter aims to inform all interested parties that the Secretariat of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding (Paris MoU) has announced the forthcoming Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on the implementation of the requirements of the International Polar Code.


The CIC will be implemented from 13 June to 01 July 2022 (first period) and from 01 August to Friday 19 August 2022 (second period).


The International Code for ships operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code) was adopted through IMO Resolution MSC. 385 (94) and MEPC. 264 (68) and came into force on 01 January 2017.


Further, this inspection campaign is additional to the regular Concentrated Inspection Campaigns and is held at a different time of the year due to the seasonal voyage plans of the ships sailing to the Polar area.


PhRS would like to encourage all ship-owners and operators whose ships trade or intend to trade in the Polar waters to take note of the importance of compliance with the provisions of the Polar Code and to raise the appropriate awareness amongst ship crews regarding relevant requirements, the increased risk to ships operating in polar waters and the protection of the vulnerable polar environment.


The press release of Paris MoU can be found here in full detail.


Do not hesitate to contact us for more information you may need on the above.



June 15th, 2022 - PHRS Head Office