NL 196/18 | Additional information regarding IMO fuel oil consumption data collection system (IMO DCS)

May 11, 2018

Additional information regarding IMO fuel oil consumption data collection system (IMO DCS) NL 196/18 | April 18th, 2018​ Refers to: Ship Managers / Owners, PHRS Surveyors / RepresentativesAction Date: March 1st, 2018 As previously advised through PHRS NL 166/17 of 30 January 2017, the IMO fuel oil consumption data collection system (IMO DCS) came into force on 1 March 2018, further to MARPOL Annex VI amendments adopted in October 2016 by virtue of IMO Resolution MEPC.278(70). Summarizing the MARPOL Annex VI amendments (with additional information) : • Under new Regulation 22A of MARPOL Annex VI, from January 1st, 2019, ships of 5.000…

NL 147/16 | New SOLAS Requirements for Carriage of Portable Atmosphere Testing Equipment for Enclosed Space Entry

Feb 24, 2016

Refers to: All SOLAS – certified vesselsAction Date: 1st July 2016 SOLAS regulation XI-1/7 [adopted by IMO Resolution MSC.380(94)] will enter into force on 1 July, 2016, and requires the carriage of an appropriate atmosphere testing instrument or instruments for enclosed space entry. These portable testing instruments will not be used as part of personal protective safety equipment, but as part of the ship’s equipment. They will be used to test enclosed spaces from the outside to make sure that they are safe to enter and will cover, as a minimum, the following gases: oxygen, flammable gasses or vapors, carbon…

Agreement between Phoenix Register of Shipping and Zanzibar Maritime Authority.

Mar 10, 2017

We are proud to announce that our authorization status from the Zanzibar Maritime Authority has been updated from a case by case status to a full authorization. The agreement signed between our Organization and Zanzibar Maritime Authority is authorizing PHRS to perform surveys and provide statutory certificates for vessels registered under the ZMA flag, thus leading our organization to continuous improvement and inspiring us to continue setting higher quality standards for our services and keep on contributing to the formation of a safer maritime environment.

NL 149/16 | New Requirements for Stability Instruments on Tankers

Apr 04, 2016

Newsletter 149/16April 4th 2016 New Requirements for Stability Instruments on Tankers Refers to: All Oil Tankers, Chemical Tankers and Gas Carriers Convention: MARPOL Annex I Reg. 28, IBC, IGC, BCH and GC Codes, IMO Resolutions MEPC.248(66), MSC.369(93), MSC.370(93), MSC.376(93) and MSC.377(93)Entry into force: 1 January, 2016, as follows: All new tankers constructed (keel laid) on or after 1 January, 2016 (1 July, 2016, for gas carriers) Existing Tankers constructed (keel laid) before 1 January, 2016 (1 July, 2016, for gas carriers) must also comply with the requirements (by confirming or upgrading existing equipment, or installing new equipment) at the first…

NL 152/16 | Ships’ Survey Status Online

Jun 28, 2016

Ships’ Survey Status Online Refers to: Ship Owners / Operators, PH.R.S. RepresentativesAction Date: 28 June 2016 Phoenix Register of Shipping from now on enables all registered users in the e-services area to have access in public information concerning Survey Status of vessels online.     In case you do not have an e-services account you may visit our website ( ) and register online in order to gain access to the latest PH.R.S. e-Library content.Do not hesitate to contact us for any difficulty you might face using this service at   We remain at your disposal, PH.R.S. –…